I am back and am sure back with a bang. I have thanked my "old man" for his service over the last one year. But he is progressively getting busier and hence neglecting my work. So I have taken up the responsibility to do it on my own. The snaps above is ample proof, isnt it?
I am now 15 months old and today is "Poila Boisakh", the first day of the Bengali New Year - 1415. I have started walking a week back. I have my 5th teeth out and the 6th is on the way! And now I am more fluent in my gait :). I drink normal milk, I have normal bengali lunch - fish curry and rice, and I am highly tantrum throwing personality these days. I know papa is a little softer and pampers me more and hence I cry more loudly when he is around. And I have now started climbing from the chair onto the table as well as climb on to the window sill. These days I am trying to get a hold on the feat of climbing onto the dining chair. But I barely am able to reach my toes and need a support to be pulled up.
BTW, I also know to switch on the TV and change channels as most of the time the TV is switched off with a remote. Seeing this my parents made the smarter choice of switching off the power button of the TV and my fingers are not yet that strong. Just wait for my stronger fingers. Its taking a little time as I have to maintain my diet for a nice figure (read it as my less appetite and dislike for everything bland & boring)
But you know what I love most? I love speaking on the phone. Continuous, undisturbed long chats. And I have many phones - 3 models (2 cellphones and one desktop); my mom's Nokia (which I have proven is not so strong after all) and the cordless handset.
I have been going to the movies quite frequently and the most recent one was Shaurya. I like going to the PVR near our home. It has nice seats and mostly empty for me to play around without making much noise.
So thats what I have been doing these days. Its good to be back on my blog and that too without any interference.
See you all more frequently.
Till then have a good time